The Significance of a Mattress Cover
A mattress’s lifespan is dependant on its composition and cover type. Foam Mattresses for your camp or dorm will maintain their integrity for an average of 7-10 years. Innerspring Mattresses will last upwards of 10+ years. Mattress Covers can extend the life cycle of your Mattress by providing an extra barrier between the sleeper and the mattress, protecting the foam or core.
Increase the Lifespan of your Mattress
Mattress Covers also have a lifespan, much like a mattress. So when should you replace your cover? You should aim to swap out your mattress cover at the first sign of wear and tear. By doing this you avoid damage to the core of the mattress. However, unlike a mattress, the lifespan of a mattress cover depends on multiple factors including frequency of use, cleaning and maintenance of the cover. Check out our blog, Your Guide to Camp Mattresses – Vinyl v. Nylon, for additional information about Nylon and Vinyl Mattresses and Covers and recommended maintenance.
Make your Mattress Bed Bug Resistant and Waterproof
Mattress Covers have many added benefits such as being fluid-resistant and bed bug resistant. There are three types of mattress covers offered Vinyl Mattress Covers, Nylon Mattress Covers and Bed Bug Encasement Cotton Mattress Covers. Vinyl and Nylon Mattress Covers have the added benefit of being anti-microbial, anti-fungal, and stain-proof in addition to being fluid-resistant and bed bug resistant.
Final Thoughts
When you’re purchasing a new mattress or trying to extend the life of a mattress you currently own, consider buying a mattress cover to ensure the longevity of your mattress.
If you have additional questions, email us at info@medmattress.com or give us a call at 877-593-6011!
MedMattress is the medical support surface division of DiaMedical USA. We specialize in providing high-quality support surfaces designed to increase positive patient outcomes. We’ve designed our product catalog to help clinicians pair an appropriate support surface with the patient’s risk level to make purchasing simpler and shift focus back onto bedside care.