Contrary to popular belief, bed bugs are not an indicator of bad personal hygiene or a lack of cleanliness. They are a common nuisance that could target any place. Hotels, camps, homes, schools and airplanes all check the boxes for what a bed bug requires to survive: shelter and blood.
Bed bugs cannot fly or jump, they require a host to transport them from place to place. This is why bed bugs can be found virtually anywhere. They hitch a ride with whomever comes by and then climb off when they find a spot they deem suitable. This new home often times is the same place you or your camper is currently residing. Since bed bugs will not travel more than a few feet, these locations must give them easy access to people while they sleep.
Bed bugs typically hide during the day and feed at night. This makes finding bed bugs difficult unless you or your camp staff are deliberately looking for them. Although they are not known to spread or carrier diseases, bed bug bites irritate the skin and leave itchy red welts, and can cause moderate allergic reactions.
Bed bugs often hide in seams, folds and crevices of mattresses, box springs, bed frames and headboards. A telltale sign of bed bugs are dark or rust colored spots on or around the seams of a mattress or box spring. An easy way to increase your camps defense against bed bugs is as simple as eliminating their hiding spots.
MedMattress offers camp mattress covers and camp mattresses with inverted seams that are bed bug proof. Inverted seams on mattresses or mattress covers make it impossible for bed bugs to burrow into the mattress, eliminating the chance for them to congregate inside the mattress. These bed bug resistant mattresses and covers can be either vinyl or nylon. Both give the added bonus of being anti-bacterial and fluid resistant. Encasement covers also provide protection for your mattress against bed bugs. Encasement covers surround the entire mattress giving you absolute protection. These white cotton covers allow for easy bed bug detection and are waterproof!
If you or your camp are in need of bed bug resistant mattresses, bed bug proof mattress covers or bed bug resistant mattress encasement covers, email us at info@diamedicalusa.com or give us a call at 877-593-6011!
Remember, at MedMattress.com, We’ve Got It Covered!