Tag: Shelters
Ensuring residents have high-quality and durable furniture is essential to their comfort and safety. Find a variety of cost-effective and convenient options designed to provide sleep surfaces in any facility. Read more to learn about the various essentials to stock your shelters and missions.
MedMattress specializes in high-quality and durable furniture made to withstand anything. The Veri Mattresses by MedMattress are the most convenient and cost-effective bedding solution! Choose your ideal mattress style, such as high-density foam, fiber-core, or innerspring, and either a nylon or vinyl mattress cover to meet your exact needs. All of the Veri Mattresses are waterproof, bug resistant, antibacterial, and easy to clean, making them the ideal choice for shelters and missions.

3 Recommendations for Buying Shelter Mattresses
/Mattresses function as the primary foundation in shelters for both small and large facilities across the country. While some shelters and safe houses vary in length of stay, there is a constant cycle of new residents occupying beds at all times. With such a frequent flow of residents, the shelter mattresses in these facilities are […]
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