April showers bring May flowers, and the summer months offer a slew of nasty crawlies to deal with. Insects get healthier and more active as the temperature rises. Insects also move faster through their life cycles during the summer, increasing the number of bugs. Fortunately, bats, frogs, spiders, and many species of birds, including cardinals and bluebirds, like eating mosquitos.
How to Deal With Bugs During the Summer
There are numerous pesticides and insect repellents available, but chemicals can be harmful to children and pets. Cinnamon is a great natural ant repellent. An ant suffocates and dies after inhaling cinnamon. Cinnamon powder can be spread on the ants’ trail and around anthill openings. A 50/50 vinegar/water solution can be sprayed directly on ants to destroy them or around window sills and thresholds to keep them away. Sparrows, cardinals, and chickadees will stay if you provide them with bird homes, suet cakes, and bird feeders. It is critical to check cats and dogs for fleas and ticks before allowing them back into the house.
Citronella candles, unfortunately, are not very good at repelling mosquitoes. Because mosquitoes are not great fliers, fans are a less complicated solution. They have a difficult time flying in mild gusts. Fans also make it difficult for mosquitoes to locate their hosts. Mosquitoes reproduce in water, even in little amounts such as those found in a bottle cap. Eliminating any sources of standing water aids in the prevention of mosquito breeding. After each rainfall, dump outdoor water toys, wheelbarrows, and gutters. Stack firewood and landscaping bricks away from the house. Pungent-smelling plants like mint and rosemary keep insects away and can also be used as a seasoning for cooking.
Some additional ways to keep bugs away
- Keep the house clean and wipe up spills right away
- Use plastic containers to store food items
- Clean out the garage, especially if it is attached to the house
- Mow the lawn regularly and keep bushes trimmed
- Get rid of clutter in the yard that become housing for bugs
- Seal all crevices around window frames and dryer vents with caulk
- Repair gaps in the siding and cracks in the mortar
- Install sweeps to the bottoms of doors
- Keep windows closed or use fine mesh screens
- Cover the shower drain stopper when it is not being used
Are Bed Bugs More Common During the Summer?
Even though bed bugs dwell indoors, they become more active in the summer. The peak season for bed bugs is from June to October, however, they do not die off in the winter. After traveling and staying in hotels, people may unwittingly bring bed bugs home with them. Bed bugs can spread through bags, pillows, bed linens, clothing, and other materials. Some individuals confuse bed bug bites with mosquito bites. Bed bugs are small and can hide in mattresses for months without being noticed.
Vacuuming on a regular basis can aid in the removal of bed bugs that have made their way into the home. Bed bugs are extremely temperature-sensitive. In 30 minutes, high heat settings on domestic clothes dryers can kill all bed bugs, even their eggs. To eliminate bed bugs in shoes, handbags, and even books, use a dryer with a removable shelf. Protective covers can be used to encapsulate mattresses and box springs to keep bed bugs out. The cover does not have to be pesticide-free, but it must be tear-resistant.
Summary of Summer Bugs
Summertime is definitely bug season. There are ways to keep insects and other creepy crawlies from ruining the fun in the sun. Natural pesticides like vinegar and cinnamon can be used to kill bugs that make their way into your home. Fans can keep you cool and protect you from annoying mosquito bites. Birds eat annoying bugs and bring enjoyment through their songs.
Bed bugs are pests all year, but they become more of a nuisance in the summer. To ensure you aren’t bringing home bed bugs wash your clothes after traveling and heating. To keep bed bugs out of your home use a Protective mattress covering. The SaniSnooze fluid-resistant mattress cover provides the best level of protection against bed bugs, dust mites, and allergens. It’s tear-resistant, anti-static, and devoid of latex. The cover is sealed with double layers of stitching and inverted seams, with no zippers for safety and comfort. However, to never have to worry about bed bugs again shop our Veri Mattress line which is bug proof!
Summer Bug Fun Facts
- Butterflies can only fly when the temperature is warm enough
- Crickets chirp more quickly in warmer weather. You can determine the outside temperature in Fahrenheit by counting the number of chirps in 14 seconds and adding 40 to that number.
- Wasps consume alcohol from warm fermenting fruit, and this can cause them to become more aggressive in the summertime
- Bees can also become drunk and get lost on the way back to their hive. When they return, the other bees become very annoyed.
- Mosquitoes prefer to bite people who have type O blood. They also seek out people who have been drinking alcohol